Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The End.

So here it is the end of the semester. I'm sure all students are stirring as we speak imagining all the possibilities for them. I wanted to leave this class with one last spiel that wasn’t related to something specific but hopefully related to everyone. Each and every one of us has worked and slaved this semester and believe it or not, so have the teachers. I say this because I believe that we all need a little down time. It’s the reward for our labors and sometimes we forget that even we deserve a little something now and then. We’re still young or young at heart and there are adventures out there waiting for us. So we should follow the old saying of grabbing the bull by the horns and get out there. This summer, do a little something to remember whether it’s a trip our just a wild weekend. We need to DO SOMETHING, something that defines who we are and make us a little bolder than before. All these saying may sound clichéd or hard to do but if you set your mind to it, it’s possible. So here’s hoping to a great and climatic summer of 2007 and that you will all be refreshed when you come back in the fall. For those who don’t come back, here’s to the roads ahead.



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