Saturday, April 28, 2007

Pre-election BS.

With the upcoming preliminaries, it is hard to say who will win or who should win. Obama and Clinton are similar but yet differ so much in taste. While Clinton is leading with a famous name, her name seems somewhat falsely given. Bill Clinton has given much popularity and background to Hillary and it’s easy to see who wins the name recognition part but without it, she wouldn’t have much to stand on. Riding the coattails of another to gain position can be a positive boost but a negative hit to the actual credentials of the candidate. I’m for the idea of having a female president as well as the movement away from traditional male presidents but there are many pluses as there are minuses.

Obama on the other hand seems like the underdog. He’s often quoted to be “well spoken”, which could be open to different interpretations, and known for his “hot body”. As the younger generation of girls learns to vote, I guess it doesn’t hurt to be good looking. Obama also represents another minority lead; if Obama wins, he’ll get the chance to be the first black president. His major criticism of Hillary’s is that she supported the war at one point where as he has always been against the war.

The war is the most important issue now. It almost seems that we aren’t voting on a person but whither we should continue the war or not. Everything is decided by pro-war or anti-war. I’d be surprised if most people even knew what the other issues were. I guess we can’t go wrong considering last time the nation apparently voted for a president that they all claimed to hate. However, if you think about the way that was portrayed, it was the president that Hollywood hated but the rest of the country couldn’t care less. What about the Republican Party? Who knows and who cares.

If you couldn’t tell already, this was a satirical rant of the race for president.

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